Sunday, June 10, 2012

Self-reliance: Microgrids

Self-reliance: Why building owners should go off the grid
June 06, 2012 - Centralized power plants have been around since the 1880s. More than a century later, we’re starting to see growth of microgrids -- decentralized or distributed generation of power at individual buildings, primarily through renewable sources such as solar panels or wind turbines. With microgrids, real estate developers, building owners or the local community builds the power grid for their large development, industrial park, campus or even an entire neighborhood. No longer just a new concept, microgrids have moved beyond the pilot phase – they are now.commercialized with roughly 300 microgrids operational worldwide.


Evolving Microgrids: What About Utilities?
June 5, 2012 - Pike Research has issued separate reports on three leading microgrid segments: campus environment; military and remote/off-grid systems. A forthcoming report on “utility distribution microgrids” (UDMs) continues this trend of deeper analysis of specific microgrid segments, but also takes a broader look at how advances in distribution and substation automation are laying a foundation for utilities to play a much more fundamental role in future microgrid deployments. UDMs are not exactly analogous to “community/utility microgrids,” yet there is significant overlap and synergy between these two segment designations. Though already somewhat dated due to a surge of recent development activity, the following chart from Pike Research’s comprehensive look at all five microgrid segments published in early 2012 presents a good snapshot of where the overall market is going. read more>>>

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