Thursday, December 9, 2010

Telling EPA to ‘Stand Down’

Well we will quickly see who's in charge starting in January and it won't be those we pay to represent us but their pimps!

New House Chairmen to Scrutinize Fed, Roll Back FinReg, Call on EPA to ‘Stand Down’

Dec. 9, 2010 - For the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Fred Upton took the chairmanship over Rep. Joe Barton, the lawmaker who once apologized to BP for a “shakedown” by the Obama administration.

While the outcome for this chairmanship was somewhat of a toss-up, we noted that the new chairman’s positions on energy issues were never really in question. Upton has long argued that regulation from the Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Communications Commission and others is “smothering the economy.”

He’s also “pro-nuclear [4],” in favor of “clean coal” and unconvinced about causes of climate change, reported the Kalamazoo Gazette. Upton has joined the oil industry’s largest lobbying group in calling for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to be opened up for drilling [5], and upon being named the incoming chairman, he issued a statement [6] calling for the EPA to “stand down altogether” from tightening ozone restrictions and “any action that will further hamstring our fragile economy.” {read rest}

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