Thursday, June 23, 2011

NC Clean Energy 'Bible': Well, When in the Bible Belt.........

Clean Energy "Bible" Released for NC

June 23, 2011 - Keys to understanding North Carolina's "green" economy can be found in a 92-page book released this week by the NC Sustainable Energy Coalition (NCSEC). The guide lists major renewable energy projects around the state, as well as jobs and resources. More than 1,800 renewable energy projects already exist in North Carolina.

NCSEA spokesperson Julie Robinson explains why publishing this guide is so important.

"Now we really can see where North Carolina's strengths are. Before, the information on each of those areas was scattered among different state agencies."

The report highlights which geographic areas demonstrate strength in the development of renewable energies. According to the guide, rural areas show the most potential when it comes to the number of installed projects across all renewable energy technologies. In urban counties, solar energy systems are more abundant, with the majority of those projects found in the Research Triangle region of the state. {continued}

2011 NC Clean Energy Data Book Released

June 21, 2011 - “First-Ever” Guide to NC’s Clean Energy Economy Released: Major Projects, Jobs, Resources & Regional 2011Strengths/Weaknesses {Link to the guide just above}

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