Monday, February 25, 2013

BioTrade in Building Economies

With the rich and powerful not exploiting the poorer countries resources, but helping them become the consumers on the world stage!

BioTrade in Nepal: Harnessing the potential for transitioning to a green economy – The Case of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Nepal
The growing global demand for medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) could help drive Nepal’s green economy, while improving livelihoods in its poorest communities. The study focuses on the cultivation, processing and trade of high-value MAPs, which are found in the forests and grasslands of the mountains in the northern part of the country. Given Nepal’s high degree of biodiversity, the study confirms Nepal’s significant potential to develop its BioTrade sector. This study is part of Capacity Building for BioTrade (CBBT) project, which is implemented by UNEP with financial support from Germany, and has conducted similar studies in Namibia and Peru. visit to download report

BioTrade in Peru: A Catalyst for Transitioning to a Green Economy in Peru
The BioTrade sector in Peru has grown by 20 per cent in the last five years - generating significant revenue and promoting sustainable development, while simultaneously supporting pro-poor development. The report sheds light on national and international regulations, certification and labeling processes and the role of the private sector and public-private partnerships. It also outlines specific areas for policy reforms and investments, in both the public and private sector, which can help the BioTrade sector realize its growth potential. Recommendations include economic partnership agreements; developing a national investment strategy for the BioTrade sector; enhancing research and development; building capacity and introducing economic and fiscal incentives. visit to download report

BioTrade in Namibia: A catalyst for transitioning to a green economy in Namibia
With its rich biodiversity, prior rural development investments and achievements in environmental management, Namibia is positioned to benefit from emerging markets of BioTrade. While highlighting the opportunities, this study is an important reminder of the many challenges that Namibia has faced and continues to address with regards to reducing socio-economic inequalities, maintaining economic growth and achieving a higher level of sustainable use and trade of biodiversity-based products. The study identifies a number of key sub-sectors in need of additional policy support and investment to derive secure and higher sustainable development returns from BioTrade. visit to download report

Quake Kare, Inc.

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