Monday, December 20, 2010

Weekly green glossary:

Allianz, Alvin, polar bears, Prokhorov...

19 December 2010 - Buzz words for the week ending December 17:

Allianz- The world's first hybrid street sweeper the Allianz 4000 has gone to work cleaning up the streets of New York City using up to 45 percent less diesel than traditional sweepers. (Eco Geek)

Alvin- Alvin the manned US deep sea submersible is getting an upgrade after 46 years of service which will allow it to go deeper than ever before. The submarine has made significant contributions to environmental science including discovering hydrothermal vents off the Galapagos islands and assessing the damage caused by the BP oil spill. Alvin was also once used to find a missing 'H' Bomb. (BBC)

BEE- The German Renewable Energy Industry (BEE) warned consumers that green electricity surcharges are expected to spike in 2011. (Tomorrow is Greener) {continued}

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