Tuesday, December 28, 2010

U.S. Gov. Green Design Spree

Green Design Spree Aims to Trim US Government's Big Energy Bill

In the renovation of the headquarters of the U.S. General Services Administration, the agency that manages government real estate and procurement, architects aim to reclaim the original energy-saving features of the 1917 buiding, including natural lighting and ventilation. Image courtesy U.S. General Services Administration

December 23, 2010 - The federal government has cut its energy consumption by 30% since 1985, and the Obama administration is seeking to ramp up that effort dramatically with the help of $4.5 billion in stimulus funds to be spent by next September entirely for federal green building and renovation projects. By executive order, the federal government is aiming to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 28 percent by 2020.

With $25 billion in annual power and fuel costs, the U.S. government is the largest single energy consumer in the nation's economy, and among the largest in the world. Of course, the 500,000 buildings the government leases or owns include not only office space, but supercomputers, hospitals, and aviation safety radar facilities. And the 600,000 vehicles that Uncle Sam has to tank up include those conveying troops engaged in active combat. {continued}

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