Sunday, June 26, 2011

Uzbekistan Transition to Green Economy

CER Reveals Opportunities and Prospects of Transition to Green Economy

25 June 2011 - Center for Economic Research (CER) on 24 June hosts a policy brief "Conceptual approach to formulate green economy in Uzbekistan".

The policy of social and economic reforms, having been pursued in Uzbekistan after independence, has created appropriate conditions to implement a number of strategic programs and projects on modernization in key sectors of the economy and thus, ensure sustainable economic growth and development as well as the social stability in the country.

The results that were achieved in Uzbekistan during this period can be seen as successful, as they made it possible to create a framework for sustainable development in the medium- and long-term, taking into account global trends and challenges.

In the given context the transition to "green" economy is one of the effective tools of maintaining long-term development. {read more}

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